I wonder why that is? Do they not see this as a fear? It is too abstract a concept?
Seeing as this, my latest journey, and all journeys come to that, must begin with change it feels only right my first post should be a Wordy Wednesday post, albeit a few days early, on the word "change."
change verb \ˈchānj\
to become different
to make (someone or something) different
to become something else
Change is about new, it's about different. Change means throwing status quo to the wind, getting outside your comfort zone, eliminating those personal barriers we, as humans, love to set up, hid behind, and trip over (yes all you self-sabatogers out there I know you exists!). But further exploration brings about even more insight and there is what I love about words.
Note the difference between
transitive verb
to make different : alter
to make radically different
: transform
to give a different
position, course, or direction to
to replace with another
to make a shift from one to
another : switch
to undergo a modification
intransitive verb
to become different
to undergo transformation,
transition, or substitution
I can make something different, or I can become different. I can undergo a modification or I can undergo a transformation. Let's face it, when change happens it mean things won't stay the same!
Lastly, check out the synonyms and antonyms of change. These, I find the most telling of all.
alter, modify, redo, revise, vary, transform
fix, freeze, set, stabilize
If you want change it will not be stable in fact it will be the complete opposite of stable. If you do not change you risk freezing and whether that be in a mental, emotional, spiritual, work, or social capacity there are very few positives one thinks of when they think of "freeze". Take a second and write down the first five words that come to mind when you think of frozen.
Mine are: cold, ice, blue, thaw, melt.
I love that my last two are antonyms. And I believe they are antonyms because I am a lover of change.
Dictionary content courtesy of Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Dictionary content courtesy of Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
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